Media Kit – From Bitter to Sweet
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2023 Novel: From Bitter to Sweet
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy
Release Date: June 5, 2023
Cover Reveal: May 15, 2023 (Please avoid sharing the cover or the YouTube video before that date. Yes, the cover can be seen on Amazon and other distributors right now, but I’m making a big push to reveal the cover on May 15th, so your help would be appreciated.)
Website and social media links:
Goodreads (for this book):
Goodreads (for Sheridan Jeane):
YouTube trailer:
Book Description
Short Description
Short Bio:
Sheridan lives outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where she writes both historical and contemporary romances. She’s won both a Reader’s Choice award and a Where the Magic Begins award.
Medium Bio:
Long Bio:
Sheridan Jeane writes both contemporary and historical romances. Her contemporary books are all set in her The Way to a Woman’s Heart world. The first trilogy is Coming Home and includes Slow Simmer, Here’s the Scoop, and From Bitter to Sweet. Her books take place in an fictional version of the small town of Sewickley, just outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Sheridan also writes exciting Victorian-era romances filled with spies, intrigue, and tender, sensual moments. She has released five historical romances in her “Secrets and Seduction” series and as well as a standalone romance, Gambling On a Scoundrel.
Sheridan is the daughter of an artist/art-therapist/professor mother and an opera-loving/computer engineer father. Growing up, she assumed parents routinely converted their garages into well-stocked art studios complete with potter’s wheels, kilns, and every color of acrylic paint under the sun. Didn’t every second-grader nail shingles on the roof of the new 2-car garage their dad built? And didn’t every family host the occasional after-opera cast party?
Go figure!
Surrounded by art and music, Sheridan immersed herself in books. Her parents encouraged this love, and one summer while she was away at summer camp, her dad covered her entire bedroom wall with floor-to-ceiling bookcases.
Sheridan co-founded Pittsburgh’s Three Rivers Romance Writers and served as its president for two years. The organization has since merged with Great Lakes Fiction Writers.
Sheridan’s Books:
Sheridan’s newest books are part of The Way to a Woman’s Heart series. The first trilogy is:
Coming Home
- Slow Simmer
- Here’s the Scoop!
- From Bitter to Sweet
Her standalone novel “Gambling on a Scoundrel” has earned the distinction of being one of the three most checked-out romance novels in the Self-e library system.
Her Secrets and Seduction series includes:
Lady Cecilia Is Cordially Disinvited for Christmas (available only to VIP Club members…join today!)
It Takes a Spy…
Lady Catherine’s Secret,
Once Upon a Spy, and
My Lady, My Spy
Author Photos