by sheridanjeane | Oct 7, 2014 | Book release, Cover Reveal, It Takes a Spy, New Book, Sheridan Jeane, Sneak peek, Teaser, Victorian Romance
It Takes a Spy… comes out in just twenty-five more days. Plus, today is my dad’s 80th birthday! To everyone who knows him, make sure you wish Joe a happy birthday!
by sheridanjeane | Oct 2, 2014 | Book release, It Takes a Spy, Sheridan Jeane, Sneak peek, Teaser
It Takes a Spy… comes out in just thirty days! I can hardly wait for you to read it, so here’s just a little taste…
by sheridanjeane | Apr 24, 2014 | Book release, Gambling on a Scoundrel, It Takes a Spy, Kitten, New Book, Spring, Victorian Romance
It’s springtime, my first book is out, my son went on his first round of college visits last week, and my kitten just came in heat. Times, they are a-changin. :-O I’m thrilled that my book, Gambling on a Scoundrel, is out. Thank you to everyone who...