Lady Catherine’s Secret

Lady Catherine’s Secret

$14.99eBook: $4.99
Author: Sheridan Jeane
Series: Secrets and Seduction, Book 3
Genre: Historical Romance
Tags: Fencing, Secrets and Seduction, Victorian Romance
Publisher: Flowers and Fullerton
Publication Year: 2014
Length: Novel
ISBN: 1633030059

Winner ~ Best Historical Romance
Passion, Swordplay. Blackmail.
Lady Catherine and Alexander Gray share a passion… because Catherine IS Alexander Gray!

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About the Book

 London, 1853 Lady Catherine and Alexander Gray share a passion… because Catherine IS Alexander Gray!

Despite Lady Catherine’s love of fencing, she needs to stop pretending to be a boy and fraternizing with men… but only AFTER she competes in the upcoming fencing tournament! Her mother plans to marry her off by the end of the season, so this will be her last chance to enjoy her freedom. When she impulsively puts her reputation at risk to save the life of a dashing competitor, all seems lost when he sees through her disguise.

Can the Mad Marquess find a bride?

Daniel, Marquess of Huntley, wants to overcome the rumors of his father’s madness so that he can be embraced by London society. His plan is to marry the most proper woman who will have him, and then raise stable, respectable children. He certainly isn’t interested in some hoyden with a penchant for masquerading as a boy and flaunting society’s rules. In fact, he’d prefer to keep his distance.

It comes down to a question of honor…

When an obsessed suitor discovers Catherine’s secret and threatens blackmail, the only path out of social ruin is marriage. But what kind of protection does matrimony provide when a vengeful suitor is plotting the ultimate revenge?

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